how is it that cena can hoist khali on his shoulders and kane can hardly slam him at wm when kane is stronger?
Well the reason is simple, although it looks like Cena does posses a lot of strength but in fact it is average and the reason is that Cena uses his shoulders to lift the weight that makes it a lot easier where as slamming a person requires the strength of the arms which is much more harder. Try it yourself and you will notice that you will find it much easier to lift something heavy with your shoulder as compared to lifting it using your hands and arms.
Holding the WWE Title gives Cena Extra Strenght Points! haha
Cena is lots stronger than Kane. I hate Cena but look at the guns on him.
Excellent point!!! Remember Kane clotheslined Khali from the top rope at wm 23, khali didn't even fall. He was still on his feet. Kane has done that to Big show and show has fallen down. He has chokeslammed big show too. And big show is 500 pds and khali only 420! Ok so he is a bit taller than show but that doesn't make a difference. But again WWE has made Kane job a lot over the last year and WWE is making Cena look as if he is superhuman. And you are right...In a real life fight Kane would slam Cena straight to hell...he is stronger..NO DOUBT!
Cena is stronger, Kane is just taller and a little flabier, remember Kane was Isaac Yankem, D.D.S, He really isn't that strong