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How is it that every fool that breaks down on the highway?

just happens to have a spare white shirt to hang out their window??? If you broke down would you?


Thank you for telling your story. This is by and far the more common case, where a gun is used in the protection of the innocent from a criminal than any other case. While I have never personally been accosted, I do have friends who have had to use guns to protect themselves. One case that quickly comes to mind involved a retired army officer, who was in his shop one day when a very bad man came in, and proceeded to attempt to rob him. My friend was ordered to the floor, but was able to conceal a small pistol from the robber. When the robber looked away, my friend ended the encounter with three shots. When the police detective in charge of the investigation came into the shop, he said to my friend, you got yourself a real hard case, and then congratulated him for his actions. It seems that the robber had a very long and repugnant career as a criminal. Several days after the incident, a man and an older woman came into my friend's shop. The woman told my friend that she was the robber's mother and introduced the man as his brother. At this point my friend was more than just a little bit nervous. The woman then told my friend I want you to know that what you did was a good thing. . My friend had, while protecting himself rid the world of a true piece of slime. I'm glad that there was someone there for you in your time of need. I hope that you will be ready to extend the same help to others.
That's because they drive a piece of crap car so they expect to break down eventually. I'm sure they have a few shirts stashed in the trunk. I've never broken down on the highway, but then again I've never had a car that was 15 years old, had 120,000 miles on it, and always had the Check Engine light on.
Michelle? When your talking too a friend and you accidentally fart, do you stutter? I would hope not. Laugh maybe, lol. Holes in the exhaust will not cause performance problems. The exhaust system is primarily too protect you from Carbon Monoxide gasses.
I guess a lot of men are wearing a white tee shirt. I keep some helpful things in my trunk for that just in case scenario. I asked a state trooper for a flare one time and he was a nice person and gave me one. I bought orange traffic cones at the dollar store. I have a tool that helps me get out of the trunk in case someone puts me there. Before a long trip, I pack blankets, fire proof gloves (in case I have to pull someone out of their vehicle). Call me paranoid but I have actually used this stuff! I'm not going to be that poor azzz dummy on the side of the road mumbling to myself about my situation. I am going to be busy with my little duffel bag of stuff!!

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