I am going to get a pallet of SOD on Wednesday but I am not going to lay it down on my lawn until thursday morning. Will it go bad if I leave it outside for a whole day? What can I do?
You need to break down pallets have a drawn up plan...possibly something on t'he smaller size to be enlarged if you need it......a big project .....sounds like a lot of work... uld also be a lot of fun but do get help......people That you would invite....... Goodluck
In many locations, if your building is over 120 square feet or has power you need a building permit. The permit is so it can be inspected to make sure it doesn't fall on top of you or catch fire from bad wiring. If you stay under 120 square feet with no power then you can do whatever you want. You could break down the pallets and use the boards as siding. You could stand them up on edge and use other wood as sheathing or strapping to hold it together to form walls. If you have a bunch you can put tall stacks next to each other to form (really thick) walls. Or you can make stacks and use the stacks as columns.
Listen buddy I knw how u feel u need to relax coming from a chick to me it seems like u need to let her chase u for a bit cryin out loud it's been 2 weeks take things slow dude u need to study more about her and who she is take more time bc if she's not wat u think u will look back and be like wow that was ...a... Crazy talk she doesn't answer to a txt she's busy u guys aren't dating ur jus talking getting to knw each other n yes at times control urself and say ur busy every now an then trust me it's not always good to be with someone or talk to them 24/7 let her do her thing treat her like an independent person bc the way ur thinking is usually how a girl thinks and that's no good dude jus go with the flow take it reali slow kinda make her want u in a way dnt txt her as much every now n then invite her with u n some friends bowel pool beach anything jus be chill an be urself treat her like a princess dnt spoil her remember this absence makes the heart grow fonder hope I helped :) good luck dude
start with the wiring == find an open breaker slot in the home panel and determine what power you need == it would be wise to figure on lighting and the electrics to run a lap-top and stereo amplifier to have music for parties and you need to have outside lighting [[ light fixtures attached to the wall of the party house will work fine ]] anotherway to light outside would be to have string lights or bare light bulbs spaced out on the wire == your power should be inside a green electric PVC pipe and that PVC should be buried about 12inches to 16 inches in the ground -- the wire must be a 12/2 with ground ..... a small panel inside the party barn will be the sub-panel and help you connect the wirings == the floor should be plywood 3/4inch thickness or close -- for a good dance surface and an easy clean-up == the roof should also be plywood and covered with some green asphalt roll roofing as this will help tie the building together and make it sturdy ... you might consider some posts [4inch by 4inch] for the corners of the barn == building a structure like this should look fairly nice and that will require some plans and forethought == main thing that you must consider is how it looks from the neighbors view [[ and the loud noise of a party ]] be careful that you don't upset anyone ... this type of structure is not city code and there is no permit that allows you to do this === I think that it is a great idea and a good way to have reasonable construction materials .... if I can answer any other questions about this party barn feel free to e/m...... XTX