I want to buy the whole storyline. Am i correct with this line up?Metal Gear Solid 1Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of liberty Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake EaterMetal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the PatriotIs this correct?
When you buy stock, you are buying a share of a business that is supposed to generate a profit. When you buy metal, you are buying a commodity. A company is supposed to make money, a metal is supposed to be stored and there are storage costs involved. Intrinsically, stocks should provide a return while metals do not. There are the extrinsic returns which are due to speculation about the economy, government policies etc. and it is this extrinsic value that people trade on particularly with metals but intrinsically, metal isn't investing, it can be trading, it can be hedging but it isn't investing. You should be allocating your investments between bonds and stocks as per Ben Graham's The Intelligent Investor and Markowitz's Efficient Frontier. You should be optimizing for portfolio growth. Portfolio construction manages risk by proportioning between at risk and risk free, metals can be an analog for the risk free portion of a portfolio but it is a poor one as there would be no contractually obligated returns.
Your grandma was right...diversification is the only true free lunch. The answers above have some good advice. Check out learningmarkets dot com to learn about the markets for free.
You can trade equities (stocks), and futures (Commodities). However, it depends on the way of your investment. From your question, it looks like you want to be a long term investor. In this case, Bonds and Stocks are the options. However, commodities always changing. For example, Precious metals are good during the crisis (like Europe crisis and bad economies), because investors are choosing them as a haven. This means people will buy physical metals instead of paper currencies. In other words, when people sell dollars, and buy gold, the value of the dollar will go down, and at the at the same time, the price of gold will go up. Dollar and Gold and inversely proportional. So, back to your question, it is better for you to buy shares of big companies that look for long term growth. Take for example, cloud computing companies, Tech companies,... Etc.
physical metals are probably a better investment Say what? This has probably never been true in any 25 year period in the history of the world. Equity investments means you are putting capital to a productive use, mobilizing human capital to produce all the stuff that makes living fun and worthwhile. Owning precious metals does nothing productive. Because of that fundamental mismatch, owning precious metals is not a competitive way of earning money. Forget about the recent run-up of gold and silver fueled by Internet nonsense. This too shall pass. Equity investments are the way to build wealth, Always have been, always will be.
Physical metals are actually a pretty crummy investment and should at most be a very limited part of your portfolio, if included at all. A well-diversified stock portfolio (with no metals) will serve you much better over the long term.