At 80mA and 120V, I figure that's 80mA/1000 0.08A. Then 0.08A x 120V 9.6 Watts. That seems like an awful lot for an idle smoke detector. That's 84096 Wh or about 84 kWh over a year. With 5 or 6 of these, at say $.11 per kWh, that's about $45 - $55 per year. Am I calculating this right?No lectures, please, that it is money well spent - I know that.
I do, but only for the winter or icy rain. Our winters are pretty BA here, and Sparky is too old and too short-haired to go it alone. So he has a down coat and booties. Max has enough fur for the whole family, so he doesn't need anything. And we're going to see how Roxy is in the cold.
You need to replace the battery.
It is way more important to WASH YOUR HANDS. I can still pick my nose or scratch my butt with gloves on.
Take the smoke detector and remove it from the wall.Turn it over, locate the battery and remove it .You should be hearing the soothing sound of nothing,nice isn't. Now check the date on the alarm.If it is at an age that having a new one would make you feel safer then by all means purchash a new alarm and battery. Don't throw the old alarm in the trash read the sticker on the back.Take it to a fire dept for disposal. put the battery in the alarm and test it.Loud isn't Put that thing back on the wall and yell YESSS!