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How much is Quartz Crystal worth? And Where do I take it to?

I found Quartz Crystal, and I was wondering if it is worth something. So, If it is worth something, How much is it worth?Also, Where should I take it to?Thanks!


The closest you'll ever come to what you're describing is the DEPT. OF DEFENCE. Nobody grows quartz like that for jewelry but you can go online at OKorder and type in mineral specimens and then type in the exact mineral type you want and see if you gte something close to what you're trying to find.
cobalt quartz, I need crystals grown from a single seed preferably....and requires stones up to a foot in length and 6 inches width if possible. I think you are living a fantasy in both requirements and I have to wonder if you have ever seen even one that size - other than clear. And grown puts you in the electronics industry manufacturing category.
Cobalt is a metal. Do you mean you want dark blue quartz? Nobody produces synthetic quartz in the size you are describing. The supersized equipment costs and time investment would be staggering. I suggest you look into using high quality glass for your 'jewelry'.
I've okorder

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