I made 1000 origami cranes I am thinking about setting them in Resin. Since there is a thousand I was going to scatter them in a block of resin, i'm thinking it'd probably be about 5 feet by 3 feet.. How much Resin would I need? Approx Cost?
at work yes, a few of them!
No but I have let a fire extinguisher off
No i have not i have seen it on TV the water hust gushes out.
Sometimes the left goes so far to the left that it looks like it's on the far right. As an extreme, look at the tiny difference between Hitler and Stalin. There is in here a hint of why we don't have universal health coverage. The left wants too much control and will have a natural tendency, usually couched in terms of being fair, to limit the care available outside the government system. The right will just as naturally dislike any government system just because it is governmental. As usual, both sides are very wrong. We need a basic level of universal health care, for several reasons: (1) there's the simple humanitarian aspect, (2) we wind up paying for a lot of care that improved preventive services could avoid, and (3) some aspect of health care are akin to a public utility. On the other hand, we need the private sector for innovation and improved care, and no amount of altruism will substitute for the profit motive. Washington politics is so polarized these days, though, that there's almost no chance of sensible compromise.