Because my friend wants it done but isn't sure :)
Old enough to spell PIERCED right. <3
probably 18. depends on your state. look it up or ask them.
This site seems to get sicker everyday. But I finally get to give Trish a Thumbs up for a change. WTF are you people thinking. You really have some serious issues with this piercing stuff. This is mutilation.... plain and simple. Sick, Sick, Sick I'm wondering when someone is going to ask about Temple to Temple piercing.
In all honestly, I'd try to talk your friend out of getting that hip piercing. Surface piercings, especially one there, Will reject. I don't mean to sound negative, but have her put two dots where she would want the piercing, and move around as she does daily, she will see how much that area moves. The more movement = the less likely it will heal. They could reject after a month, they could reject after two years. It really depends. No matter how well the piercer, or how well she takes care of it, it will reject. I went to the best piercers in state to get my surface work (sternum, nape) done. I also took care of it by doing sea salt soaks once or twice a day. When that didn't work I used the LITHA (leave it the hell alone) method.The sternum rejected in six months, where the nape was doing great up until that two year mark. Then it started rejecting. If you want to see what a rejecting piercing looks like feel free to send me an Email, I have some pics of my sternum piercing early on - when it started rejecting, then a day or two before I took it out. It honestly looked horrible that few days before I took it out. The piercing place I go to won't do surface piercings on minors, so you have to be 18 for that one in Minnesota. For the scaffold/industrial, you have to be 16 with parental consent and 18 without in the United States.