i'm 13 and i feel like i am old enough to have sex because everyone else is starting to lose their virginity now. but everyone keeps saying practice safe sex and i have to have a condom and i keep looking down my penis still looks the same. how long does it take to grow one, or does it happen right before sex?
The real question is why do people LIKE him? Most people seem to think he's great. Most of his movies suck though. I never understood why people act like the Sixth Sense is such a classicit was horrible! I liked Ubreakable but the rest of his movies sucked! Especially the Village.. Ohand person above mehe didn't do the Others
I don't see what's so wrong with M. Night either. The Sixth Sense is a horror classic in my book. Unbreakable was pretty entertaining. Signs was very scary to me and sad at the same time. The Village was also pretty creepy to me. Lady in the Water was OK, but its not as bad as everyone says. The Happening is actually good, despite the reviews. I think people hate the guy because he's successful. Although, I'm not so sure about Avatar. Its based off a TV show from NICKthat's sad.
CO2 fire extinguishers are cold, yes, but that is not how they extinguish the fire. They extinguish the fire by starving the fire of oxygen.
Signs was the beginning of the end. An alien race that advanced - they could successfully navigate the interplanetary trip and remain undetected, and of all the planets they choose as their destination, this one? One where 70% of the surface is deadly to them? Let alone the fact that the atmosphere frequently dumps the stuff as part of normal weather? And knowing this, they chose to come here anyway and run around naked? The wooden door was bad enough but I'll let it go- it's just alien to them. However, their technology has advanced to the point of space travel, and they never in their history discovered a use for protective clothing of any sort? Come on!! Didn't occur to them to pack it when traveling to ANOTHER PLANET?!?! Swing away!!! At the director's head.
First of all (for C-Man) he didn't make The Others. Second, on my opinion, he is original, with big fantasy and he knows how to present something (the story). He is very specific, strange author so you can like him or not but you can not say for him that he is a bad director. Any way, I like him.