The optical system, which is placed at the beginning and the end, is generally used as an optical lens, which serves to focus the infrared beam into a finer parallel beam so that the energy of the infrared light can be centrally transmitted. Infrared light in the human eye can not see the spectral range, some people through this invisible blockade line, must all or part of the block infrared light beam. The intensity of the electrical signal output at the receiving end will be changed so that the alarm controller initiates the alarm signal. Infrared radio alarm is characterized by high reliability detection.
It receives the infrared radiation energy found by the transmitter through the phototransistor and converts it into an electrical signal via photoelectric turn abstraction. This electrical signal is sent to the alarm controller circuit via appropriate processing.
The infrared transmitter drives the infrared light emitting diode to emit a noisy modulated infrared beam. At a distance from the infrared transmitter, place an infrared receiver with the alignment.