from a two wheel bike (if possible) what do i need to change from the two wheel bike to create a three wheel bike
Personally, I know how truing is done, but am no expert. Given the price of wheels these days, I just take them in and have them trued. It costs about $7 and sometimes, especially if it's really minor, they don't even charge. That way I don't have to worry about doing it wrong and putting a flat spot in the rim. Also there are issues of spoke tension and twisting to consider. I'd just find someone reliable to do it.
First check to make sure the wheel is centered in the fork or rear drop out. Next check to see if the brake is centered correctly. This way it removes other possibilities that may be the culpret aside from a bent wheel. Open the brake and then spin the wheel, if it wobbles side to side, then the wheel needs to be trued. Using what you posted as an example, since it is too far to the left, you tighten the spokes on the right. This will pull the rim away from the left and towards the right. You tighten the spokes so that the rim doesn't wobble side to side. Ideally you try not to loosen spokes unless you have to and then only as little as possible.
Where I live, you can buy attachment to make it a trishaw (bicycle with additional wheel attached onto one side), then register it, too
some very no longer undemanding and bushy cyclists race tricycles, no longer recumbants, they are lots harder to race on, desire a powerful deal of power and a diverse technique of driving, all of the long and short distance data for tricycles are quicker or extra than any prevalent bicycle proprietor will ever gain. There are additionally tandem trikes long-barrows, much harder. choose for it, do no longer enable what I even have written above placed you off, you, probably, don't have racing in strategies and a tricycle is probable much less annoying and safer to journey than a bicycle, you particularly won't look stupid, yet whether you do get teased somewhat, the newness for the teasers will quickly placed on off and you'd be the single benefitting from the workout so which you might have the final snicker !! take excitement on your tricycle !
Are you talking 3 wheels like a tricycle or two wheels in the front and one rear or two wheels very close together side by side? Which ever way you are thinking of, you will need a new frame or some type of frame modification to make this work. Basically if you know how to weld and work with metal you could possibly rig something up using two bike frames. You may also have to change the drivetrain of the bike. If you have two rear wheels but only one is pushing the bike it could unbalance things. Not too sure on this, but I believe having both rear wheels pushing instead of just one would work better.