how to build cat cages out of PVC pipe?
This is a long article and no pix -- the descriptions good ...look on the net ......... ++ How to Make a Cat Cage Out of PVC Pipe ++of the be sure that you weave the seams of the enclosure wire screen on the outside of the cage -- so, kitty doesn't get snagged ... this is a good idea and the pvc pipe will not rot and should be easy to work with galvanized screen in a 1/2 inch open squares pattern will last a long time ... and plastic zip-ties are easy to work with..... ..... enjoy ... just make a diagram of what you want = lay out what is needed in the pipe and figure the screen cloth when done with the frame == a good PVC pipe cutter is worth that expense to make cutting precise and easy == daub the glue and twist the PVC into the fittings and corners --- some hardware stores have better selections of the fittings you need -- assemble PVC frame parts & fittings and then you can start cutting the frame .............
Have you looked on YouTube?