i have 18, 17 day old eggs incubating and i noticed that the vermiculite was a bit dry the other day and wanted to know how would i make it a bit more damp without getting the eggs wet. when i got the vermiculite ready i made sure it was just right but over the last 17 days its got a bit dryer? . also i have noticed that some Of the eggs are larger than the others is this normal? many thanks
I honestly can't help with vermiculite, but I can make a suggestion. try using hatch-rite (which can be purchased online from most reptile supply sites) and peat (which can be purchased at most gardening centers). You might also want to get a small scale. Use about 30 grams of peat, 30 grams of hatch-rite, and 40 grams of water. Then just get a spray bottle, set it to mist, and spray the lid of the hatching container a couple of times every few days. It is a very effective hatching medium.
it should be damp enough to make into a snow ball and not drip or fall apart, thats the way i do with mine.
You know what really grinds my gears? People in the 19th century. Why don't they get with the freakin program? It's called an automobile, folks!
If its to wet the eggs will get mold and rot. If its to dry they will dryout and die.