How can I clean my hookah pipe? I have a clear plastic medical tubing as the pipe (quick fix buy works great lol) and I can easily take it apart to clean BUT it's got tar stains inside the tube now, and I can't get the tar stains out of the plastic tube, I've tried bleach and some mild abrassive cleaners, even soap. Any tips?
Let the tub fill up over the stains and allow it to soak for four hours. When the water drains out, you should be able to easily scrub off the stains. Clean the bathroom sink Non-gel toothpaste works as well as anything else to clean the bathroom sink. The tube's sitting right there, so just squirt some in, scrub with a sponge, and rinse it out. Bonus: The toothpaste will kill any odors emanating from the drain trap Good Luck !
Use isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol).