hey i need help, i just started to ready a small plot for vegetables in my garden, and i‘ve got weeds in several places. there‘s also a lot of stones in the garden. and when i keep trying to dig up the weeds with my fork, the weeds sometimes snap. and then i can‘t find the root. does anyone have any tips/advice on the best way to go about preparing my plot? i‘ve never gardened before.
Weeding Solutions In Your Home In your home, you have many effective natural weed killing products. Not the harsh chemicals that you have stored under the kitchen sink, but likely in your pantry. For starters, plain, white vinegar is an excellent natural weed killer. All you will need to do is to spray vinegar (using a standard spray bottle) onto the leaves and near the roots of the weed. It will kill the weed within days allowing you to easily brush them away. Another choice that you are likely to have in your home is that of rock salt. Table salt may not work as well, but rock salt is an excellent natural weed killer remedy. This time, place just a few granules at the base of the stem, near the roots. Be careful where you are placing these as rock salt will kill your garden plants or garden flowers as well. Within days, you will have all your weeding needs solved. Hi these solutions will be safe for your cat aswell as killing your weeds!
You can take newspaper and lay it down over the weeds. Place mulch on top. Then water it. The newspaper will kill the weeds and keep more from growing. The mulch is great to keep moisture in the ground for your plants.
If this plot has never been dug before, just mark off your site and pull weeds that are tall. Turn your soil with a fork, removing stones that show up as you go. Add vermiculite and compost after you have turned the soil at least once. Once your additives are spread out evenly, turn the soil again. Come back in a day or two and turn the soil once again. Most any growing weed will call it a day by now. Just by turning the soil, you are likely making suitable conditions for weed seeds that are lingering in the soil to sprout. You can always turn your soil, water the plot, and wait a couple of weeks to see what sprouts. Since you have loosened the soil so well, you should be able to pluck weeds right out. Try to avoid using herbicides---they are bad for the environment, and I don't care how safe they are supposed to be when used in a vegetable patch--I won't use that stuff. I grow 100% organic crops. Try never to step in your turned soil. You don't want the dirt to be compacted as water and air have more trouble penetrating hard soil. Make your plot no larger than 4'x4' so you can work with your plants while standing on the edges.