How to keep frozen currypuff fresh and still good for 2 months?
Sell your account on CL and use that money to buy a new subscription with WoW
Wow is kinda expensive (that's what my friends said)So I'd rather to play Dota which kinda the same thing but all you have to do is either buy it or get it off friendsI don't really know this but sometimes versing with someone with the same Cd code won't work, but I versed my friends with the same Cd code so.yea, I don't really know.
It's all in the freezer wrapping, wax paper so it won't stick to the puffs, cling wrap for freezer burn and then warp that inside aluminum foil or freezer paper, inside of a freezer baggyTwo months is a long time for puff's.
well i lik shaiya and dream of mirror online, hey can u giv me ur account plz.