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How to preform in bed?

This is awks,How do you have sex exactly? And what turns guys on?


Guys like sexy clothes and loud screams like ooos and ahhsss, etc. also he lay on top or bottom and inserts his you know into your private area. If you arent married or in a serious relationship I dont recommend i haha. Hope i could help out. And reeber ALWAYs use protection unless your married and want a baby. Good luck )
If you're so young that you have to ask this question, then you're too young to even worry about it.
well there are a lot of different ways and some like things that others will not ever try. If you're asking this let me stop you and say this.... your sex ed class in school lied to you about a lot of things, in particular how ineffective birth control is. get on the pill (offered for free at any health clinic without your parents having to know) and condoms (there is a correct and incorrect way of putting them on, learn it, practice it on a banana also available for free at a clinic). i learned from watching movies on the internet, but keep in mind that might open some doors that should remained closed. But really you should probably wait a while. Truth is the one is not in HS, you will be disappointed with your first and most likely regret it. educate yourself and don't be pressured
Don't do it. Sex kills you.

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