From the earth quake a bottle of wine fell from a shelf breaking on my wool rug' Any ideas would help thank you
Mix warm watter with some oxy clean let set for 4 minutes, and soak up with towel. Repeat if stain seems to set. Also shout works great.
If you sprinkle the stained area with cooking salt (put heaps on) and leave the stain overnight, then the salt absorbs the wine and in the morning vaccum the salt up. If there is still a stain I would then suggest cleaning it with warm soapy water and really get into it with a old cloth soaping it up well, then dry off with an old towl blotting it, then allow the area to dry.
Things You’ll Need: Paper towels or clean cloth Rug Doctor brand carpet shampoo or dish soap Warm Water Sponge Hydrogen peroxide Step1 Blot the spill with paper towels or a clean cloth. Step2 Combine 1 teaspoon carpet shampoo (or dish soap, like Dawn) and 1 cup hydrogen peroxide in a small bowl. Soak a clean sponge in the mixture, squeeze it halfway dry, then gently blot the stain. Continue until the stain lifts. Step3 Sponge the stained area with warm water. Step4 Blot dry with a clean cloth or paper towels. ************************* Tips : Act immediately. The longer a stain sits, the harder it is to remove. Commerical products like Oxy Clean and Wine Away do an excellent job of removing red wine stains, but try this homemade version if you don't have either of those on hand.
rent a rug doctor at your local drug store, then use oxey clean on it