My alarm is not working and when I try to start the car the starter clicks. This is after I Changed the battery.
I heard it was GCI insertion. It is still a disturbing movie, especially since the director is an avowed pacifist
Most prophecy believers see the hope of Christ coming soon based on the prophecy of scripture. These prophecies describe a world where Israel is a nation and the center of global political and military turmoil. They show an Israel that will rebuild the temple and resume the animal sacrifices. They show a church that is worldly and fallen away and filled with heresy. they show a world being united into one political and financial sector with time of dangerous peril and major shortages and hardships across the planet. They show the use of nuclear weapons. They show a rise in paganism and violence and sexual perversity. They show a time when God closes the door on the church age and deals with Israel once again. The great falling away has happened as Jesus said Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot until the time of the Gentile has been fulfilledthen Paul said blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentile has come inon every front the word of God is screaming out loud The rise of Anti Christ and one world government are imminent.Gods word is not vague about these days. It is a time of hope and a time of grief. Many will be saved in these times yet the time of the tribulation will be that of the greatest suffering in the history of mankind. I love salvation and redemption and grieve over the coming judgments yet they are just and right and many will call upon the name of the Lord in these terrible dark days. They have a purpose to judge sin and give men one last chance to repent. the king will come and sit on the throne of David for 1000 years prepare ye the way