I just got a cheap intel i3 custom pc build on OKorder. But, i have no idea on how to set up all those PSU cables and the fans and everything else (seller thought it was a great idea to unplug every cable inside, which led to me turning on the pc assuming everything was good to go which led to the cpu overheating after turning it on) But anyway, i need to know how to setup the psu cables. My PC looks like a mess with all those cables jumbled up together. There are 4 distinct think cables sticking out from the PSU and all the other cables come from the case or the fans. Some of the cables come with numbers (1, 2, 3) and some are already plugged into the mobo, so i don't want to touch those. How to do this?
CD/DVD drives and hard drive all use the same power connectors (multicolored), so plug them in whichever way you want. There is no specific order. Don't remove any ribbon cables, and if you wish to have a floppy drive, the power cable is slightly smaller than normal ones. Commonly, fans can be plugged in to any port on the motherboard as long as they reach without straining the cable. They can only be inserted one way and are likely three-prong so it should be easy. The numbers on your cords don't matter.