My friend from the internet has an injured crane in her backyard, does anyone know how to keep it calm so she can bring it to the humane society? She says she's called very animal rescue place she knows and none can help so now she's just sitting with it because kids keep throwing sticks at it.
First of all, tell your friend to beat those idiot kids. Second of all, tell her to give it water and food. Tell her to keep calling places because that is nonsense animal rescue are denying to help.
If you have a pillow case then put it over it's head. then wrap say a towel round it's body to prevent any damage to it's wings and you. Then get it off to a rescue centre or vet/ Wildlife Warden
Thow a blanket over the entire bird, beak and all, and push it to the ground, making sure the beak does not come out. Tuck the feet and legs underneath the bird through the blanket, and grasp the neck through it. Then pick up the birds body in the blanket (carefully, because it has to move its chest to breathe) and place it in an appropriate sized plastic animal carrier or large cardboard box with a lid. That is how you transport a crane to anywhere. You MUST control the head because he will gladly put your eye out with his beak.