I am considering getting a dell 24 or 27 inch monitor and a viewsonic TV processor. Anyone using their monitors for double duty as TVs? How is the picture compare to a mid level TV?
The picture quality on a monitor is better than most tv's but depeding on the tv tuner your using can determine the picture quality greatly. so look hard into the tuner but the dell screen will look fantastic
I am posting an answer different from the replies so far posted. I have a new computer running Vista, with E6550 chip, a Gigabyte P35-DSP mobo, a Gigabyte 8600GT graphic card, a Hauppauge 1100 tuner card and a Samsung 226BW LCD monitor. The TV quality I receive is not even comparable to a cheap China made TV. I have posted my query on a forum page (can't remember which) and was told by forum members that PC TV can never be comparable to actual TV. My PC vendor said the same too and showed me his PC TV in the shop to prove it. If any member can help me to improve my PC TV quality it would be most appreciated.
lcd are the best monitors to perform as TVs even plasma TVs arent as good as lcd the big deal with lcd is that lcd have everysingle pixel to a real good quality when a plasma tv just is a laaaarge tv thats why most of the lcd are 13 to 40 because size matters ;] and quality too