If a drug smuggler decides to transport drugs using a river. Not on a boat obviously, but simply packing a bunch of drugs in a waterproof container, attaching it to a piece of wood and send it floating with the flow of the river across the border. Then cross the border legally without any drugs on board and pick up the container on the other side?Because I always wondered how drugs actually get smuggled since any method of transportation will get all of your baggage scanned and checked. And this is the only possible way I can think of that it can be done. (Besides of course simply walking across the border in a remote area at night, but I am sure they have heat detectors all along the borders.)
Buy a 14' x 14' shed kit. everything will be pre-cut . In most cases, all you'll need is a hammer, and a level.
I think you should get the Samsung Focus. It is small, and has great reviews!
Who has banned sites your parents or your teacher? You probably need full administrator privileges. I take it you cannot adjust the security settings? If so you probably have not got the authority to install software.