If you were with your 14 year old son and there was a fire and you were outside and your teen said dad can I help you in anyway to get the alarm going? If you were getting ready to break the glass and pull the handle and your teen says here can I do it how would you respond? What would you say so your teen knows he can do it as opposed to you? Would you help him in anyway and if so how would you help your son? With regards to breaking the glass if there was no hammer would you let your son kick the glass?
well thats a cool gift you dont sat what type of welding he does so ill throw it out to you to choose if he does alot of structure steel work those would be long above the wrist type and asl about the leather jacket a good one flexible and matching gloves that cover the rist and arms if its neli-arc some nimble lamb skin gloves w/ a good top ask the guys at a welding shop hey welders might look a bit scary and crazy all n all we are fun helpful workers like your dad good luck
TreeView Methods have these two methods for accessing a specific node: 1. TreeView.GetNodeAt (Point): Retrieves the tree node that is at the specified point. 2. TreeView.GetNodeAt (Int32, Int32) Retrieves the tree node at the point with the specified coordinates.