i want to look pretty and smell nice while wearing this chunky piece of plastic around me in 100 degree weather..
I am thinking build it below ground (Sub Surface). This might help with the extreme temperatures. Cinder block comes to mind first. The attic must be able to vent during the day to expel heat, yet retain heat at night. So there will be some sort of mechanical ventilation flaps involved.
I hope you mean H2O instead of H2S. Usually the requirements come from the Fire Code. Local fire authorities often modify established codes, and some organizations require multipurpose extinguishers. You could check with your local fire authority for specific requirements in your area. In some countries water hoses suitable for occupants to use may take the place of fire extinguishers. I just looked at an old International Fire Code (US). It doesn't require any extinguishers in some occupancies, if they are fully sprinklered. It would allow Class A extinguishers if there no hazards in the building having Class A or C materials.