is there any website that i can use to be able to get on myspace and not get in trouble?i've tried pagewash if there is another one please let me know! thanks!
Lol no, it's impossible. Your goggles are tight around your eyes. There are prescription goggles, but I'm sure that will cost some money. Some of my friends who are swimmers risk wearing contacts with their goggles. Not the safest, but as long as you don't get water in them, you should be fine. If you don't have contacts, I guess you will have to go half-blind (like I did), or get contacts. Glasses are a definite no. Have fun! I love swimming.
like the guy above says the exo suits etc are being tested as with better armour, thermal images etc etc, however as as happened all throughout history as your defences get stronger then better weapon will be made to penetrate them . Make a suit immune to small arms fire and someone will make a small arms round capable of penetrating it
This could be a reality, but probably not anywhere near soon.
I'm sure it is a possibility, but not anywhere in the near future. You could consider modern ballistic protection as the very first stages of these suits, really. Obviously, they aren't the greatest or most reliable form of protection against high caliber bullets, but it is the best that we have that is both affordable and within our means of producing. With current technology, weight is a huge issue as there isn't a material light enough to be used in such a way for it to be as effective as the ideal without becoming excessively burdensome. Even the vests people use now are quite heavy since they have to include ceramic plating to be even moderately effective against the higher caliber bullets, and even then they won't protect against close-range firing or bullets of higher calibers consistently. So, looking at it that way, we are progressing to something of that degree, but we are nowhere close to achieving it.