I have had Scabies for almost 3 months now. It took the doctors two months to even figure out what it was, and I have done two treatments of the Elimite as of now. My children have also been through the treatments. I have cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more. I vacuume twice a day (and empty and clean the container after each time). I even have a steam vac and i am pretty much cleaning mmy carpets and couch once a week (any more then that then I risk ruining the carpets). when I first was diagnosed I went and purchased new sheets (rubber and plain whit sheets) for all the beds. I steam cleaned my bed and I wiped my kids' bed down with bleach. I then put the rubber sheets on and white sheets on. So now every morning I strip all the beds and clean them and wash the sheets. ALL of the clothes and blankets and towels in my house have been cleaned and bagged up (the mites can not live with out a host for more then 4 days). I just have a few outfits we use and wash after each use.
You can use any computer as a proxy server. It just has to be set up properly. I have no knowledge of fortiguard but if its a commercial application chances are that any publicized proxy will be closed.
u most definately dont belong on a bike if u cant even bother to read the msf's rule book and/or the state's mc licensing handbook that's at any dmv office. quit being lazy and start doing some actual research on yer own that takes maybe 5 minutes if that. being lazy on a bike is the surest way to getting fitted with a body bag; and i have to assume at this time that u are practically begging to give the undertaker some business.