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I can't get my baby to leave her clothes or diapers on. Any suggestions?

I have 16 month old twins. I can't get them to leave their clothes on. I've tried putting clothes (and diapers) on backwards. I have layered her onsies over her pants. I have tried overalls and put them on backwards. That seemed to work until her sister learned how to undo the buttons and now she helps her to take off her clothes. Help!!!


Well you're not supposed to, but just take the batteries out :/
Hotel smoke detectors are hard wired and the battery if there is one is only for backup during a power failure. They usually don't go off from cigarette smoke. However, cigarette smoke lingers for a long time and is easily detectable by smell even after the smokers have left the room. Some hotels will charge several hundred dollars if they find out if you smoke or even if they think you smoked in the room. A non smoker can tell a smoker from several feet away in many cases, so the desk clerk may not rent you the room if you smell of smoke, assuming you will smoke in the room. Why not just get a smoking room and save the trouble?
You can't, they are hard wired. They would still be able to tell if you smoked in the room and will charge your credit card accordingly.
I don't know the first one.. The blanket symbolizes truth, unsaid kindness. I guess they decide to keep it because they later figured out it was from Boo, and it was cold. Tim Johnson symbolizes old age, life. I'm guessing? That not everything that is suppose to be nurturing. The difference between part one and two is different times of the story. The characters are more grown up. I don't even know if these answers are right, lol. I haven't read the book since last semester. But it was very good.
Step out of the room every other cigarette. Turn on a vent . Don't make a cloud under a sensor, butbe a censor with ink loud. If you smoke, enjoy the crap out of it! The cost may be enormous. Tobacco is a plant with nicitinic acids that can arouse, calm, choke, or kill. It is half wonderful. Absense of this acid has similar affects as does the acid . Never take nicotine without tobacco, and if you wish to quit , you will get high on nicotine withdrawal .Drink water when you need to smoke, and watch fires burn ,the smoke rise, and the miracle of the farm machine known as combustion. It is torture to watch someone smoke this feeling never goes away completely, even after 50 years of abstenance. A cigar is the culprit, not the cat, to cause sudden infant death and put one through if very old. Often house cats will show a combo of draft ins and outs to vent smoke or exhaust tar.tar settling as they can . Intensive cigarette smoking has remissed lung cancers in those who never smoked.. Cigarette filters were once made of asbestos is twice as likely to cause cancer than tobacco and 36,000times more likely to effect lymph problems,but is x times weaker than damage from fibre mills such as wheat refinineries predating Ovaltine, unless one puffs on asbestos all day. Go figure. Tobacco snippets can be put in hand-grenadine salads along with paraffin candies that mimic cactus pear jelly. Yuck!

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