I cannot access 'folder options' in my Win XP system. Now it is not available in Tools menu or Control pannel. Is this a virus affection? Please guide me?
Get synthetic oil its more expensive but better for your engine. also you may want to change your antifreeze. about the breaks its still safe maybe replace the brake pads is all you can do.
i be attentive to the sensation. comparable with sunlight colours. do no longer you basically experience secure in sunlight colours, such as you could insult human beings to their face yet like they wont be attentive to who stated it reason you're hiding at the back of the glasses. It so is sensible so do no longer say it doesnt! hah. Ella: i be attentive to maximum impressive? different than for once you forget approximately you're no longer wearing sunlight colours anymore. that made for an extremely awkward situation:P
If you still have good all season tires stick with them. You can go and check them at your local tire shop if you're not sure. Make sure that you have right pressure in your tires. If the tread on your tires is not so good you can get new tires. WInter tires: they a lot better on snow than all season or summer. They are made from different rubber (softer better grip on snow and in low temperature). But during the summer you gonna damage them so you should have 2 sets of wheels. One with winter tires, one with summer tires. This is the best solution. If you can't afford it or don't have enough storage space or whatever reason get all season tires. Brakes: check if you need new pads/rotors. Braking tips: try to feel how hard you have to hit the pedal to lock them and practice at low speed to avoid locking them. Also in emergency situation good technique is to pump the pedal. Hit the pedal hard and let go, hit it and let go really fast. In manual transmission brake with gears. Drive slow. Oil: depends how many miles your car has and overall engine's condition. If it's more than 150K miles use regular oil. If it's less than 80K use good brand fully synthetic (10/30).
yes yes yes yes YES!!! PUT ON THE FREAKING SNOW TIRES!!!!! as for the oil i dont know