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I forgot the windows XP admin password now i unable to log on to system. what i do now?

when i start the system after booting i get welcome screen of windows XP there OS asks the admin password. But i forgot that password. this is my problem. Pls give the solution.


those are common questionsare you doing the quote online? if you are not sure about how far the hydrant is just guess. the answers should be a between amount, not an actual amount. e.g., it should ask if the hydrant is 1-500 ft away, 501-1000 ft away, etc. if you do not know when the roof was replaced then it probably has not beenjust put the year it was built. it is probably asking about circuit breakersput no. unless the house is brand spankin' new more than likely the insurance company will do their own inspection of the exterior. if any info you gave them was incorrect they will correct your application for you and your agent will notify you if it affects the premium any. sometimes, the county appraisal district will have any renovations listedsometimes they do not. it depends on the county. to find your county appraisal district to check just google your county appraisal district. hope this helps. also, you should get your own inspection before you close on the house. he can check for termites and to make sure the dwelling is not damaged or deteriorating. examplesfoundation, roof, water heater, pipes, etc.
it is a good software and by this u can control all the activities doing on network in ur college or school and can control over them, restrict them by this software

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