my brother is 13 and today i was going threw his phone becuzz I found out his password and i read all his text messages and he was texting his girlfriend and they were talking about how mom wont let him go to her house but she lets him him go to his guy friends house and then i went to check his browser history and i saw pr0? on there and hes watched it twice and it was once last week and once last night at 2:03 a.m. and we had school this morning so he didnt get much sleep but he didnt have any dirty pics or videos do u think i should tell my mom that hes watching it especially since its that late at night oh and whenever I knock on the door to his room he always tells me to go away and he usually stays in his room all day unless hes eating or with friends and usually hes playing games but still do u think i should i tell mom
Yes, depending on the type of the lock yo need to get it open and find a small bolt or a moving part that sets the code for the one that is currently on the dial.
This sounds insane to me. You are who you are, and if you get the job done well, that should be enough. I suppose you could take it to court, but an applebee's job isn't worth it. Are you sure your friend isn't lying? Maybe they just want more enthusiasm from you?