my right jaw has been locked since two days ago, i can't open my mouth wide. what do i do?? do i see a dentist or doctor? and i've been researching abit and it seems like locked jaws are often associated with tetanus?? and the thing is, my right earhole just closed up and it was infected, and now my right earhole is weird because theres a lump inside, maybe from the pus thats trapped inside or something, i dont know. but theres a lump on my right ear. WHAT SHOULD I DO? my jaw hurts alot when i try to open it :S
try a vacuum and clean and dust it well or compressed air or twist it off the bracket disconnect the wires and buy a new one, if you can't afford it your local fire department may give you one for free if you are in the U.S.
Utilize the skills you have acquired that you have presently.Rather than posting this message on the web.E-mail CBS Early Show maybe it will help locate the source.Case Solved.