I have a couple of questions, actually.1) I see illustrations of massive objects sitting (and pressing down on) a sheet of spacetime, curving spacetime, and causing light to bend, etc. But do massive objects sit ON spacetime or WITHIN spacetime? That is, is it like someone floating ON the wateror someone beneath, surrounded by the water? 2) Why do we see (in illustrations) massive objects pushing down on space time like a bowling ball on a taut sheet, when it seems that the gravity of the object would suck in the space time toward itsort of concave from all directions? You would still get the curving of spacetime, right? Again, just a sub-layman trying to understand. Please answer in simple terms, folks. Thank you!
absolutelyas long as the ring is the same guage as the stud. although i wouldnt recommend having a stud first, maybe a lebret pin would be best, just until it is healed completely. and yesits gonna hurt! your having a hollow needle poke through your lip, taking a chunk to allow for the jewelery to fit in, then having the jewelery pushed through. sorry to be so graphic, but this is how it is. heheand its pretty cool when you think about itanyways. enjoy your new piercing and remember to always use diluted mouthwash after eating, drinking and smoking. oral sex is not recommended and dont play with it too much before its finished healing! ~peace~
with all that pressure you might throw up your feces. just saying.
Sad part is he would probably think he won.