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Cannot access most of computer.?

I have a Windows XP Home Edition.A long while ago, my computer had a major virus. It drove me to having to do a system recovery (Not a destructive system recovery, where everything is deleted).Now I cannot access my old files, the ones I had before the system recovery.I am supposed to have 181 GB of free space, but 170 of it is taken up by the old files, which I cannot access.In my documents and settings, this is what I can see.Everything except Owner have filenames in blue (From surpression).


To accomplish your goal takes special tools and a practiced person using them. A pipe cutter is used, than a reamer and than a threader. The pipe sections are joined with threaded fittings. You may be describing 1/2 copper tubing. If that's what you have, it's cut with a tubing cutter. Sections are joined by soldering or by compression fittings.
Why must common sense conflict with faith? Church towers are frequently the tallest things in the areathus, a lightning rod is prudent. Now for a more pressing question: are you saved or do you show a lack of faith?

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