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My carpet is so stained! Help!!!?

I have carpet in my great room. The color is desert sand. I have two small children who have spilled drinks and other things and stained the carpet in several places. Is there a home remedy to cleaning this carpet without having to hire Stanley Steamer or rent a rug doctor? I have a Bissel steam cleaner, but it just doesn't do the job.


I too, have kids (and a dog...) and I know how tough it is to keep up when it comes to the carpet. There are powder carpet cleaners that work great. I know you can get them at Oreck or Sears, and I'm sure other places as well. These are great products because you don't have to wait for the carpet to dry after using. Also, try Basic H-It's a Shaklee product and works wonders on all kinds of stains. My sister got me started with Shaklee and not only are their products environmentally safe but they really do work great! As you stated that you have small children, cleaning chemicals may not be something you want to put on your carpet.
the stains go into the pad.....and when you shampoo it, it only removes the surface stains, then the stains in the padding seep up through the carpet.. you can forget kool-aid stains ever coming ouy of carpet.. you can replace the pad, then shampoo the carpet yourself. or put tile or laminate flooring in the room where the children are.laminate flooring has come down in price.

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