it is to inform the audiencen the safety of toys, clothing or any games designed for children are safe to use. and or any dangerous toys or clothing what should i do it on please give me some advice or any ideas what i should do it on
Oil your hair regularly. And buy conditioning shampoo instead of just shampoo. If you want to buy a hair styling product; I'd recommend L'Oreal Studio Line Hair Cream- it's just 2.49 a bottle.
deep conditioning maybe? Or mayo in the hair! Im 14 too, i know how u feel!
I know what you mean, I destroyed mine with a cheap hair straightener. Anyway, i heard there's this hot oil stuff i don't know what to call it, but you put it on for like 10-30 minutes every week once or twice, and your hair's all wonderful. Well I saw my asian friend's hair, she uses it and it was like perfect. There's definitely one-product solutions, although more conditioner could help your hair may look pretty dead after xD a shampoo to hydrate you hair maybe, or there's leave-in conditioner that's said to do wonders :] Target, huge grocery stores, CVS, and some general stores probably have them :]
technically yes, but really its a contradiction. you see most airsoft guns use springs (most) but when airsofters refer to a gun as a spring gun, they mean that the spring is powered by pulling back a handle or somehow cocking it (as with a shotgun or common spring pistol you may have used) any semiautomatic gun would have to be either electric (powered by a motor which compresses the spring for you) or gas powered (no spring involved)