I hit a fire hydrant unintentionally. It didn't harm it, but it did do some damage to my car. I have liability and uninsured motorist on my insurance I have had different insurance brokers from my auto insurance company tell me different things. I have had one tell me that my uninsured motorist covers it, one tell me they didn't know, and one tell me no. I just got off the phone with another person, and they said they think my liability should cover it. Can someone tell me if liability covers the cost to get my car fixed under this circumstance?
Sure - it makes better sense to save that oil for better purposes than burning inefficiently for transportation (heck, we get ~10-15% the potential energy of gasoline in the internal engine. Keep in mind, gasoline is a small, refined and energy-intensive component of oil)
Fire school or not, I have to take exception with all of the answers on this board. Fire is extinguished by water because it cools the fuel. But water doesn't keep oxygen from getting to the fire. When you put water on a fire you are throwing OXYGEN on the fire. Water is made up of two highly combustible materials, hydrogen and oxygen. So why when you mix them do they became a non-volitile material?
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