Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Boilers > i just added two baseboard radiators to the basement do i need a stronger circulator pump for the boiler?

i just added two baseboard radiators to the basement do i need a stronger circulator pump for the boiler?

i just added two baseboard radiators to the basement do i need a stronger circulator pump for the boiler?


It really depends on how much u already have on the basement zone already. So with out that info I mean its pretty much a guessing game. Best bet would be to turn the heat to the normal room temp and if u find it doesn't heat as fast as it used to then that sounds like yes but if it pretty much feels the same and doesn't take forever to heat up why fix what isn't broken
Your current circulator like a Taco or B+G should be at least a 1/2 HP and should handle additional radiation without a problem. The typical circulator can move between 80-140 gallons per minute depending on the lift. Unless every zone in your house is running continuously, it should take care of it with 2 provisos: if you have one zone so the whole house is on one circulator adding to it may exceed the max BTU's the heater can make and what the original heat load was calculated at but then you would see reduced heat at ALL radiation. More likely in my mind is that the new zone has some air in it so you aren't circulating a full charge of hot water through those new radiators taking longer to get hot. Also remember that the further from the boiler the water has to travel, the longer it will take to get hot and loses some along the way. Insulate the copper lines to and from the new radiators to reduce heat loss. If you can do it, re-bleed or call someone who can do that after applying snap on pipe insulation.
As you have drained down the equipment you have air in the equipment. Its combating the water from circulating. What you could desire to do is shop at it and once you get one rad warm, turn it off until yet another heats up and turn that off. you have got the potential to bleed the rads each and every time. besides the incontrovertible fact that it rather is air in the pipes it is the problem. shop at it . it gets greater efficient. To instruct that it rather is the problem, the flow from the boiler would be extremely heat while the boiler turns off. if it is so ,i'm superb.

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