i just blew out my rear right tire and i just got them probably less than a month ago. should i just replace that one tire? and can i drive it to the place to replace it? or should i not drive on a blown tire
If they are starting to collapse after only week, it is possible that your humidity is too low and the eggs are drying out. It is also possible that they are infertile, but it is best to assume they are good until you know for sure. You could also try candling the eggs.
Put them in a plastic shoe box you can get them at WalMart and get some coconut fiber and put some in the shoe box and ad a Little bit of water and keep it moist don't throw the eggs out keep them for 2 months and see what happens. Good luck.
Don't drive on a flat tire.Put on the spare and have the tire replaced by the shop that sold them to you.
Driving on a flat tire will lead to more problems. Just put a spare on and head to the shop and replace that single tire. It is not old enough to worry about.
Don't EVER drive on a flat tire, you'll destroy your rim. Since you don't have a spare, take off the dead tire and bring it in to a shop that has the same tire. It's okay to replace just that one tire. The tread on the other tires is not going to wear that much in a month.