
Clamp Meter Question!?

I just bought a clamp meter and its rated at 600v AC/DC 400a. I want to use it on my high voltage transformer to measure the output current. The transformer is 2000v output and runs on 240v. Can i use the clamp meter and clamp it on to the high votlage output to measure the current. I know it says its rated at 600v AC/DC but is that just for the voltage mode when using the red and black probes or is that the limit for the clamp bit as well?Thanks


just be yourself, i used to be like that too thinking too much about what i wear but then i realized no one really cares, your personality it what shines through. don't label yourself sometimes we look for labels and materialistic clothing items because we don't feel confident in who we are on the inside. I'm sorry if I come off as rude but this is only truth it's okay to want to be fashionable but don't put a certain label on that fashion, you're one of a kind
There is standard that girls with this label, and are most of the common clothes you'll see. Never go wrong with skinny jeans. The colors are typically black/grey, sometimes with interesting patterns or color variations: two legs a different color or front and back different colors. Associate this with a dark belt (these can vary on pattern). Disstressed jeans can also be worn. Band tees are most popular for shirts because those under the label love to support their music. Hottopic has a vast collection of them. If you want to further support the band, by the shirt from their website. Also, a plain black shirt can go smoothly, too. Common shoes are Converse or Vans. Many emos prefer the classic color of black x white, but don't be afraid to explore other colors or laces. High-tops or knee length gives you extra credit. Customize your shoes with Sharpies or buttons. Accessories are a girls' best friend, so wear a liberal amount. Support a band and wear their wristband or a rubber bracelet. Have have with this part, but bows, buttons/ pins, safety pins, even piercing are popular. Going to makeup: typically dark. Eyeliner is a given, but explore with different shade of shadow to lighten the look overall. Red lips are very killer, but pale lips is a common trend.Don't feel the need to wear makeup if you don't want to. Don't be scared of adding personality to whatever type of clothes you personally want to wear. Add neon laces or even a dress to the look if you want to. Skirts, tights, and corsets lean toward a gothic style, but almost anything could work :) Good Luck :D Quick Tips: 1. Can't go wrong with black 2. Customize 3. Accessorize 4. Represent your music 5. Be you
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If she was a real emo (someone who listens to emocore) then anything she likes. If she's a fake emo she would wear skinny jeans, band shirts of metalcore / deathcore bands, converse, eyeliner, bracelets and headbands and possibly style her hair in scene style. I dislike the emo fashion as they all look the same (at least Goth has many different branches with styles and music).
Insulated drapes do work well - I had them in my previous life. PS When our last Prime Minister got into power, he made a big climate change promise and introduced FREE ceiling insulation to all. What a guy !! Unfortunately, the inevitable happened - every man and his dog suddenly became an insulation contractor, and many of them were untrained kids. Thee young men were killed in accidents in ceilings before the gov't pulled the plug on that deal.

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