In the commercials for power wheel chairs, it asked if you have fallen in the past month. And if you answered yes to this question I need this chair. My friend kicked my knee and made me fall. Do I need this chair?
You do not need this chair. If you use it, you will be dependent on it for a very long time. If you want to be healthy like a normal person you should train your legs to hold you up. Those commercials just want your money. Example: Have you sneezed in the past two years? If you did, you need this pill! That was a bit exaggerated but believe me, people that sell those chairs would do anything to make others buy them. Also, you didn't fall because of exhaustion or leg failure. You fell because someone kicked you.
If you can walk then no you don't need the chair. I would take it easy for a few weeks to let your knee heal though.