the flow detected in the secondary air injection system is incorrect for the current engine operating conditions. Secondary air injection system fault. Can anyone let me know what it could be and how much I can expect to pay.1999 ford mustang 6cyl.
Depends on the code, and just what the testing for that code revealed. Just because there is a code for, say, the air injection diverter valve doesn't mean the valve itself is bad-it could be wiring or an internal computer failure, also. Remember, those guys want to sell parts, and could care less if the parts they sell you actually fixes the problem. Henry Ford himself once stated that he would GIVE his cars away if he was guaranteed all the repairs and parts sales over the life of the car. Do yourself a favor and get it diagnosed by a professional. usually, that's cheaper than throwing parts at it until you hit the right one.
If it has an egr valve might check to be sure the vaccum line running off it does not have a crack or hole in it. They will get soft over time and that will cause a check engine light to come on.
the shop is right! do it. How much is your life worth if you get into an accident because a blown tire? trust me is not worth the risk
Didn't the auto zone shop mechanic that diagnosed the problem explain all of this to you? He should.
go ahead and run it long as you can, just be sure to bolt it on the rear and keep a good eye on it