..ate a piece of bread, does that mean I should run head-on into a fire hydrant?
Not only does leather protect against road rash it also helps support the body like an extra thick skin, making the body more firm and stronger. It's a very big plus in a crash. Chaps are more for looks but do protect you against cold wind and weather. Boots also protect you against crashes and road rash and foreign objects on the road that are thrown by passing cars and trucks. Ever have an 18 wheeler throw tire rubber at you at 60 mph? I have ! And you didn't even mention helmets. Sure a helmet wont do you much good if a loaded dump truck rolls over your head but what if you just fall at 20 or 30 or 40 or even 70 miles per hour and hit your head? Chances are if you'Il survive it if not get up and walk away from it. I have! I wouldn't be here answering your question right now if I never wore a helmet. Look, all the safety gear in the world wont save you from everything even if you are the best rider in the world. But just a leather jacket, leather gloves, leather boots and a helmet will up your chances tremendously. Add to that good rider training and safe riding habits and you'll be riding a long time. Believe me the leathers are worth the expense.
I would suggest that you are breaking the law and also putting yourself at risk by doing this work without a license of some kind from the requisite authority, desist, make the installation safe and call a professional before you blow yourself and your neighbours up.
Man you just can't beat Rectorseal 5,. There's this new stuff, Rectorseal 100 that is working out real good for some guys. I wouldn't get teflon tape anywhere close to gas pipe.
forget the paste use teflon tape tighten till it s tight check for leaks
When you re-run it use Teflon tape and dope and torque it good. (wow alot of fittings ) I know it sucks with all the 90s and such.THICK dope !