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What are the benefits of carbon-ceramic brakes?

I know that they can withstand much more heat than normal cast iron discs but if they can withstand more heat, won‘t that make the brakes fade easier? What‘s so good about it if it can withstand more heat?Is the never fading characteristic of carbon-ceramic brakes all because of the properties of that material?Do they have stronger stopping power or are they just popular because of that never fading characteristic?Also, What is the difference between carbon-ceramic and silicon carbide?


overheated brakes can make the brake fluid gets overheated, and when the fluid gets overheated(boiled) it will produce air bubbles in the braking system which will cause braking performance loss even total loss (personal experience), and most of the carbon ceramics brake systems uses DOT5/DOT5.1 brake fluids as it can withstand more heat (higher boiling points) as it can withstand more heat means it can withstand more friction which will produce better stopping power carbon ceramic is made of carbon and ceramic composites and silicon carbide made of silicon and carbon composites, and about the properties of each materials, I'm not sure which one is harder nor which one would stand the heat more
they don't fade because of its ability to withstand heat, a property poseseed by ceramic. They don't use regular pads wither, rather they use carbon pads, sharing its ability to withstand heat. They don't have stronger stopping power than an equivalent steel brake, but the advantage is mimimum fade. the disc also last up to five times longer than steel disc. so yes, they are popular in racing and the supercar world because of that sole factor, that being said, cc brakes are almost useless unless properly warmed up. I.e. Bad for regular road use.
Benefits Of Ceramic Brake Pads

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