Home > categories > Security & Protection > Speed Bump > I live in Tampa,Florida and i need to know who to contact about getting speed bumps put in on my street?

I live in Tampa,Florida and i need to know who to contact about getting speed bumps put in on my street?

I live in Tampa,Florida and i need to know who to contact about getting speed bumps put in on my street?


I blew out two tires when I was driving after dark one evening, and went through what appeared to be a puddle of water, that was really a very deep pot hole full of water. As I pulled to the side of the road, there were three other cars that had done the same thing. We all decided to individually write letters to the city, because I pay taxes so that the roads are properly maintained, and obviously they are not doing their job. Shockingly, they refunded myself and everyone else for our expenses. A speed bump may be different, since it is suppose to be there, but it's worth a shot. If you explain the situation, they may just be understanding.
Um, no. Try all you like, but you will never get a dime. They will call it a road hazzard.
Amber will not normally melt, but it does burn with some effort. Maybe with an oxygen free melting pot it would be possible, but under normal conditions you'll probably just end up with some pretty foul smelling stove top incense. edit: I just did some searching, it may not be foul smelling; it has been used for incense and apparently has a sweet pine smell.

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