Any fire protection technicians who may have done this I would appreciate your help. I am auditing a residental condiminium. Thanks Tereka
I would get used to it. Most kids tend to leave their clothes on the floor until they either turn into neatniks at some point during the teen years or grow up and leave home. As long as they can separate the clean from the dirty stuff (another can of worms), it doesn't seem worth the struggle. I wouldn't bother to hang them up either. Sooner or later she will start choosing her own clothes and dressing herself, and then the clothes will have to be accessible anyway. One way to minimize the clutter is to only put the clothes she's currently using in the drawers she can reach. Items that don't fit or are out of season could be stored out of reach.
Nope. But hey why not try you have got nothing to lose right.
If cigarette or similar smoke triggered the smoke alarm, it's either too sensitive or you were smoking right next to it. Sorry, deodorant spray won't trigger the detector. Forget that excuse.