All I have is miracle grow and Ive seen cacuts growing out side here where I live but I would like an experts opinion..... Help Me Please
I incubate ALL my eggs in vermiculite and have never had any issues. Just make sure it is JUST vermiculite with no additives - I tell my Lowe's people what I'm using it for an STRESS to them that any additives in the vermiculite will kill my babies!
Vermiculite can stick to the beardie as she lays her eggs and has been known to cause eye problems to lizards who have used it to lay their eggs in. It's a great incubating medium, though. But I'd recommend using EcoEarth/Bed-a-Beast for her to lay the eggs in. You can then move the eggs to the incubator with vermiculite (no additives like the other answerer said) or perlite (which I find that I have better success with when it comes to gecko eggs...again, no additives). Be sure to keep the eggs in the same position as they were laid.