I recently move and my new apartment have center boiler heater. And I have put them next to the heater. So, I was just wondering is it ok for my birds or not.Also, there are acting well eating drinking and playing..
They should not be next to the boiler, there are many reasons for this. Most health issues. It can make it harder for them on their little lungs, it can cause them to dry out and lose their feathers. And so on. It could take months before seeing the damage, a damage that might be hard to undo. Place them across the room from the boiler instead. They'll live a longer life if you do so.
You might want to be sure your registers (or pipes or whatever you have) dont get too dusty from the birds. Dust them off whenever you think about it. Make the air cleaner for all of you.
I wouldn't put them right next to the boiler/heater... it'll tend to dry out their feathers and skin... You actually might want to look into getting some sort of humidifier to go near your bird's cage... birds need moisture in the air to remain healthy.
I wouldn't put them too close to it because they can get too hot and overheat. Also, the air is very dry and that's not good for them either.