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Is electrician the one who repairs the telephone wiring?

I understand that buisnesses like vonage, and Comcast do not repair telephone wiring(the actual physical wiring outside) is this correct?There was an accident on our property severing the phones lines. The reason I ask, is because the electrician said, if THEY say I have to fix it. Who is they?


Telephone Electrician
Question: Is electrician the one who repairs the telephone wiring? Answer: HELL NO!! Sparky may be good for electrical wiring, but they do not know telephone wiring and *cause* problems for telephone repairmen when they try. Not to mention you are asking about inside wire. Judge I rot in Hell Green gave your inside wiring to for you and you can play with your own inside wire, or get a Sparky to screw it up, or call an ex-telco technician to run and/or repair ir, or get it done correctly by the Telephone Company technician's. But you said OUTSIDE wire. Outside wire, the big cables along the utility poles, span and/or pole terminals, the drop wire from the pole to your house, *and* the protector, now called a Network Interface Device (NID) is actually and legally belongs to the Telephone Company -- ATT, Verizon, whatever owns where you live. It is *illegal* for you or vonage or Comcast or a electrician to work on our wiring. Not to mention they don't have the wire, terminals, tools or especially the knowledge to repair drops and outside wire. Call your local telephone company and tell them that *their* wire is on the ground and to get it fixed. If the person from the phone from India cannot understand what you are talking, stop a real telephone technician (you know cause their van/truck says ATT or whatever) and tell them.
Comcast is not going to have outside wiring usually, it's all internal. They provide you with a box that goes on the cable and you plug your phone into it. If the box is centrally located in your house, you are responsible for the wiring. An electrican can do the wiring but it's cheaper if you do it yourself or get somebody(a friend) that knows about house wiring.
You were right there talking to your electrician, yet you did not ask the question then? You don't say who your phone service provider is. In the traditional situation, the carrier or service connection provider is responsible for maintaining the connection up to the point where it connects to your home. It is the responsibility of the customer to maintain the phone wiring beyond that point. Since it is not high voltage, you do not need to be an electrician to do so. Many phone service providers will offer internal line maintenance for an additional monthly fee installations for a set fee schedule. In your case, you may want to consult your local insurance agent for advice as well.

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