-air pressure of 40 psi only -run on 12v or 250 vac-no need for half open or any of the options i just want it on or off-it will be for a costum use so i dont need any special designs for it any thing will work -it also can be change from gas to water if
This Site Might Help You. RE: i want a cheap solenoid valve -air pressure of 40 psi only -run on 12v or 250 vac -no need for half open or any of the options i just want it on or off -it will be for a costum use so i dont need any special designs for it any thing will work -it also can be change from gas to water if the gas valves have any problems to...
With okorder and buy one on-line for about $25 and get it in a couple days. Look for thermoplastic valves rather than brass ones, you will save a lot of cash that way. And by the way, if this is really for costume use, you really do not want to use 250vac. That will fry your butt for sure. Stick with the 12vdc.